Category: App & Web

Wizard: QR code not appeared

If the camera does not display a QR code when you run the login wizard in the icuapp, please perform the following step:

How do I delete several images at once?

This short video explains how you can mark several pictures and delete them from the account. This way you can create order in your overview with just a few clicks.

Control: 1H 3H 6H 24H

For the acceptance of control commands, the setting option "Control" is important. For the icucam 5 and the icueasy the following applies: "1h/3h/6h/24H" means that the camera

How do I activate automatic e-mail forwarding?

You can forward your images by e-mail. Please note that when forwarding, all images (from each camera) will be forwarded.* If you only want to forward images from a specific camera, please use the